1 |
Seat Capacity |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
2 |
Office Online |
Yes |
Yes |
3 |
Fully installed office app |
No |
Yes |
4 |
Android, iOS, Windows & smartphone apps |
No |
Yes |
5 |
It’s always up to date and web-based. |
Yes |
Yes |
6 |
Start diagramming quickly with templates, modern UI, and the familiar Office Online experience in your favorite browser. |
Yes |
Yes |
7 |
Create diagrams such as block diagrams, flowcharts, timelines, Specification and Description Language (SDL) diagrams, and more. |
Yes |
Yes |
8 |
Share your work easily as a secure web-based link, attachment, image, or PDF. |
Yes |
Yes |
9 |
Share feedback by adding and replying to comments online. |
Yes |
Yes |
10 |
Store and share your creations securely with the included 2GB of free OneDrive storage |
Yes |
Yes |
11 |
Includes Narrator, accessibility checker, and high-contrast support. |
Yes |
Yes |
12 |
Create professional diagrams with ready-made templates and 250,000 shapes in the Visio content ecosystem that meet industry standards, including BPMN 2.0, UML 2.5, and IEEE. |
No |
Yes |
13 |
Get started easily, customize and complete diagrams faster, and draw or annotate using pen, finger, or ink. |
No |
Yes |
14 |
Bring diagrams to life with data overlay, icons, colors, and graphics to make the data easier to digest, including one-step Excel data visualization. Integrate data-linked diagrams into Power BI dashboard to gain more business insights. |
No |
Yes |
15 |
Collaborate with others using co-authoring, commenting, annotation, and Skype for Business integration |
No |
Yes |
16 |
Streamline teamwork on advanced design with enhanced support for AutoCAD drawings. |
No |
Yes |
17 |
Streamline teamwork on advanced design with enhanced support for AutoCAD drawings. |
No |
Yes |
18 |
Communicate one version of the truth and access diagrams from nearly anywhere in a browser or iPad® app |
No |
Yes |